Earth Rod – Scuttling Around EP

I picked up this cassette by Earth Rod a few weeks back. The band recorded  a couple of the songs on the EP at the ever reliable Sound Savers (with Mark Jasper at the controls) and the result is a suitably scuzzy DIY lo-fi pop racket. They don’t seem to play out very often so I am not sure how I came across them – probably from trawling my bandcamp feed. The tape doesn’t throw up much in the way of clues to who the band are (edit, facebook does).

Across the 7 songs on the EP guitars are set to fuzz, the vocals remain gleefully buried.  On ‘Yay Or Nay’ the band channel some kinda rockabilly spirit. This is music for dark basements and boozy evenings. Maybe the band have heard the likes of The Cramps before. They also remind me of slightly less psychotic take on Middlesbrough’s Year Of Birds. The louder you turn the volume dial, the better the reward.